Hi Minasan,
I’m so sorry for the late entry. Didn’t have a fast connection for the past few weeks, but now it shouldn’t be a problem: I’m in Kyoto now! Okie, so much things have happened over the last 3 weeks. Here's a little update on my experience in Japan so far:
I’m so sorry for the late entry. Didn’t have a fast connection for the past few weeks, but now it shouldn’t be a problem: I’m in Kyoto now! Okie, so much things have happened over the last 3 weeks. Here's a little update on my experience in Japan so far:
I spent my first week working at the 菓子工房上田。The Ueda couple, who own a bakery shop, a goat farm and a Japanese restaurant, are around 70 years old each, and they have been really nice to me. They treated me like their own son, really touched.
Pic below: Frenz I made in my first week of Wwoofing:
Short intro of other WWOOFers around at the菓子工房上田. Kylie and Claire from Australia:
Yoko san from Japan (around Tokyo area):
And David from Canada. Extremely funny guy. Always preaching about Christ, and he thinks taking photo is an act of vainity (that's why he had a towel over his face)/
Work has not been easy. There were really quite a lot to do, and the goats can be really irritating at times. My daily rountine was like to wake up at 6.30am in the morning, have breakfast at 7am, start work at 7.30am, lunch break at 11am, continue work from 2pm to 5pm and dinner at 7pm. The days were structured, but they were peaceful and rejuvenating. No internet and handphone; so my body and mind had a good rest.
(Pic below: My first falling snow experience and me freezing my ass off)
Take care in Singapore! Miss you lots!
Pics below:
My bedroom; the 5-star hotel standard Ofuro (Japanese bathroom); bakery shop; japanese restuarant.
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